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#30DHFast - Action - Day 30

Writer's picture: Louise A-HayfordLouise A-Hayford

Today we are focusing on: Taking Action

Yes - finally - you've made it to the last day of the #30DayHusbandFast


In the Intro post about the #30DayHusbandFast the initial aim was ' encourage you when it comes to the topic of marriage, help you grow in awareness of ourselves spiritually, to focus with intent when it comes to your future Husband and primarily, develop a healthier prayer life and fellowship with God, whilst we’re single.' Which is ultimately what I hope you have experienced, in some way shape or form during these past 29 Days.

Therefore, Day 30 of the fast is about 'Taking Action'. It's about implementing practical steps that will enable you to build on any progress you made throughout this fast, long after today.

Throughout the #30DayHusbandFast - the 7th day (much like the 7 day creation time frame ;-) ) has been about 'Rest and Review,' basically encouraging you to begin the process of contemplation by focusing on the days prior, and taking action by noting how you responded to the topics - we're now just taking that further.

Hopefully, during the past 29 days, you were able to make notes/journal any thoughts/pray over topics/themes/questions/get personal revelations about yourself/Husband etc - now it's about taking all of that, and shaping it into actionable steps to better grow in faith, which will help prepare you as a Wife to be, when it comes to your Husband to be. If none of the above happened for you, don't worry at all

I got you, you can still take action!

How to Take Action:

  • Start with yourself

Although this fast was about your future Husband, was there anything you realised that you needed to work on? If so start praying, digging into that more and getting purposeful with how you tackle that. I'm sure you've been praying about the best Husband for you (Ameeen sis - Amen) but being that this Husband is - for you, start working on you!

You growing in faith is never going to be a bad thing, in actual fact it's a desirable quality for the kingdom of God, and ultimately for you as a wife.

So whilst you continue to follow God's plan when it comes to your future Husband, take practical steps in working on yourself as well. Don't neglect your growth - you're equally an important part of God's future plans, as well as your Husband.

  • Get more active in your Purpose

Figuring out your specific purpose when it comes to the kingdom of God, I believe is even more important than getting married itself. Apostle Paul talks about the joys of singleness for a reason (1st Cor 7: 32-35) as ultimately our priority is living in the fullness/abundance that God wants for us, and knowing our purpose in the kingdom is crucial for that. Living out your purpose provides that fulfilment in life, that people so commonly look for in relationships, and even in Christian marriages. Week 2 was all about purpose, so instead of just thinking about your future Husband when it comes to that topic, you may want to go back and really dig into understanding your purpose, as you take a look at Bible chapters and devotionals mentioned there.

Remember the key is spending time to discover your purpose, and then taking action.

  • Prayer

I often say to myself Prayer without Action is [fill in the blank].

Exactly it's literally like blank or figure out an actual response. If you have been praying throughout this period and certain topics/themes/questions have come up (regularly) or you felt to really dig into something, go back and focus on that - God can give us "spiritual nudges" for a reason. If you wrote things down/journaled, don't just keep them there, actively commit that to prayer and ask God -

Show me what you want me to do with this? Show me where you want to lead me with this?

Prayer is super impactful when we take action on things we pray about, how that action looks is different and unique to each one of us, but either way just take it!

  • Consistent Husband Prayer Topic

Build up a consistent prayer 'calendar' in relation to your Husband.

Maybe on a certain day(s) you'll pray about him or dedicate most of your prayer time on the subject or, maybe for 1 week every month, at a certain time you'll pray about him. Do whatever works for you, but it's best to make it consistent and regular. The more you regularly commit this to your prayer life, the more you pray in faith on this topic, and open a space for God to speak to you on this matter.

  • Study

As mentioned earlier, if there were any topics/subjects throughout - Week 1, Week 2, Week 3, Week 4 that really struck you, then prayerfully consider how to take action on some of things you've learnt or are pondering. Take further time to pray over and learn about these topics/subjects.

  • Do it again

I've mentioned this briefly, but the first time I properly fasted was when I did this fast in June 2020.

Fast forward 3 years and I've done this specific #30DayHusbandFast again, but within the 3 years have made fasting a regular part of my spiritual walk.

This doesn't have to be a one-trick pony if you don't want it to. If you found it impactful and want to help kick-start that focus, if ever you require it - go for it. The benefit of doing this again, is you can change the topics/subject/timeframe - literally everything - to reflect you. Maybe 'Travel/Location' is a serious topic of concern for you when it comes to marriage and lifestyle, go ahead and focus on that! Think about the topics/areas of marriage/singleness/dating your concerned about when it comes to your future Husband and pray on that.

  • Stay Encouraged - God is Faithful

It seems obvious, but day to day single life can be a struggle!

Don't shy away from that, admit that and remind yourself in those moments - God is Faithful, because He is.

You are committing this topic to prayer, you are faithfully trusting Him and He faithfully rewards those who trust Him. So build a list of helpful memory verses/Bible chapters/stories that you can remind yourself of/speak out/read, when those down moments come - as they do come. This year Psalm 40, Psalm 139 and Isaiah 40 are chapters that have really spoke to me about God's purposes, plans and how much He is always there. Whatever works for you, just ensure you are reaffirming your trust in God during those times - for He is so faithful.

  • Get Writing

Write any prayer requests down when it comes to your Husband and guess what, make sure you keep them in a book/pin it to a pin board/keep it in a special place. As I want you to be able to look back at those prayers when you meet your Husband, when you are dating/courting and ultimately when you get married, so you can remember the faithfulness of God.

When God answers our prayers it should build that mountain of trust in Him - and He will answer your prayers!

  • Consistency in Action

We have got to be consistently growing in faith to see/understand the fruits of our faith.

As you desire marriage, this involves a Husband that is going to create a partnership with you to advance the kingdom of God, which requires you to be growing in faith so you can effectively do that together.

So build on consistency when it comes to to taking action.

The more consistent you are in building your faith, the more you remain encouraged, hopeful, faithful, trusting of God and so forth!

Suggested Further Reading:

Waiting on God by Dr Charles F Stanley – 7 Day Youversion devotional that I highly recommended at the beginning of the Fast and as a good refresher at the end of the Fast, as it really puts in great perspective what Waiting on God actually is and how to do it.

The Dating Manifesto by Lisa Anderson - 7 Day Youversion devotional focusing on pursuing marriage with purpose. Overall a great devotional, just an FYI at times Lisa's writing style can seem like she's talking to a guy, so there are times where she references men should do certain things i.e. 'guys why aren't you doing this..', but still so many relevant points to think over and consider for us as women. She also has a podcast called 'Boundless' where '...She loves connecting with single young adults and strategizing how to better equip them for life, relationships and a faith that goes the distance.' The devotional is actually a snippet of her book by the same name with more info here.

Singleness: A Guide For Women - like Waiting on God another devotional I recommended at the beginning of the Fast, and it's a good refresher at the end too.

The Sacred Search by Gary Thomas- A book that comes highly recommend from multiple friends, on the subject of singleness, dating and marriage - In The Sacred Search, Gary Thomas will transform the way you look at romantic relationships. Whether you are single, dating, or engaged, Gary's unique perspective on dating will prepare you for a satisfying, spiritually enriching marriage even be fore you walk down the aisle. As Gary reminds us, a good marriage is not something you find - it's something you make. Friends have described this as challenging, but so good in opening your perspective to how to approach marriage.

Relationship Goals by Michael Todd - A book which now has a study guide, derives from the popular series that Pastor Michael Todd of Transformation Church did on the subject of dating, relationships, sex and marriage - A candid, inspiring guide to finding lasting love and sustaining a healthy relationship by getting real about your goals—based on the viral, multi-million-view sermon series about dating, marriage, and sex. - The Youtube playlist has the sermons, and the book is a further extension of this. Having watched 1 of the sermons (and going through the rest), definitely highly recommended.

If you know of any other amazing suggestions whether they be books, devotionals, podcasts, conferences, sermons etc - please feel free to comment on this post or drop me an email at, I'm going to set up a blog post just for recommendations that can be updated all the time ;-)

Hopefully during this fast you have been challenged, moved, focused and so many other words that come to mind that I can't list.

But in all seriousness I truly hope you have grown in faith, been encouraged when it comes to seeking a Husband and gained greater awareness on this matter.

But don't stop, keep going beyond these 30 Days - continue to actively pursue this matter in faith!

Overall, I am so happy you have made it this far! No really, I am so happy you lasted with these posts, and I don't want it to stop there. Let me know your progress/ if you have any questions/prayer requests/your suggestions/your dislikes - at the end of the day feedback is always so helpful.

Or you just want to say hey, literally anything whatsoever drop me an email at

Stay Blessed - Stay Focused -Stay Faithful

Lots of Love - Lou x

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