Today we are focusing on: Yahweh. Over. Us.
Take time to consider the above throughout the day in relation to your future Husband, and yourself.
Refresh - Part 1: Yahweh. Over. Us.
Answer the following:
What is my relationship with God like?
Am I totally reliant on Him/God?
Do I wait to hear from him fully before I make a serious decision (1st Samuel 23: 1-13)
Or do I try to work through things my own way and then start praying when they go awry?
Prayer Points:
Pray about your relationship with God.
Pray about your reliance on the Lord.
Pray about the Lord's involvement in your decision making process
Pray about how you make important decisions.
Pray about not relying on your own strength
Reminder: For suggested devotionals and bible chapters for the week feel free to check out the Week One overview here.
If you're looking for another 4 week guide, I gotcha! Feel free to get some previous inspiration from the last #30dayhusbandfast Week One here and Day One here.
Have a blessed day!