You've made it through week 2 which means...Welcome to Week 3 of the #30DayHusbandFast! How was Week 2 for you? Slightly easier? Still challenging? Spiritually charged?Well I'm going to keep praying that you are finding it helpful, transformative and those spiritual fires are being stoked!
If you want to continue looking over some of the topics of the second week over the next few days, weeks or for the duration of the fast - feel free to do so. The weekly themes, daily prayer guidelines, suggested devotionals and readings are ultimately there to inspire direction, but please feel free to switch it up if the Lord is really speaking to you about an area.
But if you're down for another round, it's Week Three of the #30DayHusbandFast, and I hope you are as excited as I am to start this new week.
Week Three – Communication
Healthy communications make up the core foundation of any relationship we have, be that with friends, family, colleagues, random members of the general public, and in due course our future Husband. That’s why communication is the theme of this week.
How can you effectively desire a successful, biblical marriage that benefits the Kingdom if you aren’t able to effectively communicate with your Husband? Your future Husband isn’t just a future soundboard for you to just talk to, he is the man that you are going to share your life, finances, ups, downs and children (if that is something you desire) with. He is the one (apart from Jesus) physically present man, you will spend the majority of your life talking with – not to, with.
Imagine it like this, God is the most important person in our lives, but who did Paul state that we should put first? Our Husbands (Ephesians 5: 21-22). Now your future Husband doesn’t outrank God, because God comes first (Matthew 22: 37-39) but the illustration of how important your future Husband should be considered, can help you understand how best you can envision that relationship and also your communication with your Husband. Communication is how we develop a close relationship with God, what and how we communicate is an extension of trust, vulnerability and respect. When you choose to communicate your hopes, loves, fears, desires, worries, deepest, and yes even those pesky dark thoughts we sometimes encounter, with your future Husband (or in general anyone) – you are building an intentional relationship/friendship with that person, with the ultimate outcome being – intimacy. As such, what is your communication like with God? Essentially, you can mimic how you develop communication in your spiritual relationship, with your future Husband.
Communication is a multi-faceted topic, and during this time as much as you may be praying for your future Husband I encourage you to pray for yourself, as a future wife, on this topic as well.
The daily guidelines below aren’t exhaustive, but just a general guideline on topics that are to do with purpose. But by all means, take out, add in, swap around what you feel like when it comes to this topic. You may want to spend more than 1 day on a subject – go right ahead. The reality is, purpose shapes our life, so please feel free to focus on that as much as you wish.
Suggested Youversion Bible Plans / Bible Chapters
Communication in Marriage– 3 Day devotional that explores communication within marriage. Generally, for those who are married, but actually great to be read for those who aren’t, so to get an insight in things that can crop up.
Growing Healthy Communication– 3 Day devotional exploring biblical principles around communication that we can implement.
Swift to Hear and Slow to Speak– 3 Day devotional discussing how to apply wisdom in our communication process.
Closer Connection– 6 Day devotional talking about the ways we can communicate in a relationship, and how understanding the differences enables better communication.
God Speaks – 7 Day devotional exploring our communication with God and different ways to do this.
In Addition to the Devotionals or Alternatively if you'd rather not do the devotionals here are some Suggested Bible Chapters/Verses to read over the 7 Days
James 1: 2-8, 22-25
Ephesians 4
Proverbs 18
Matthew 15: 10-20
Check out Day Fifteen here!
If for any reason you are jumping into this fast - well, hello there - great to have you on board, I strongly suggest checking out the #30DayHusbandFast intro blog here and also the FAQ's which breaks down certain aspects, questions of the Fast which will help making this post easier to digest. It's best to start this fast from Week 1 as well, so to ease you into the fast.